If you are financing for business funds, business patron


Message from President

We are the financial institution that operating business centered on lease and finance, but also carried out various financial activities.
By creating and providing only one financial service, we support medium to small sized companies. Through our business activities, we aim to contribute to society while maximizing our corporate value.
We expand our business in overseas, mainly in south-east Asian region. Operating business in overseas led our point of view more globally.
Our overseas business develop remarkable progress, it become one of the important business for us. We believe that growth of employees is most important factor for our business. Our slogan says that Establishment of organizational structure for the sustainable growth Creating a workplace environment that helps every employee growth We offer educational benefits, such as Scholarships for MBA, off-site programs, and English conversation class, which support for employee’s self-development activities.
We are focusing efforts on raising capable personnel for global human resources.
As a only one financial institution, we are focused on niche market which no one enter the market. We will create new value for our customers, such as small and medium enterprises. Through our business, we seek to provide customers with a satisfaction by applying our unique financial services and contribute to maximize customer’s corporate value.

President & Representative Director yuji kataoka

President yuji kataoka